- The =SWF= clan is seeking mature gamers. We would prefer applicants 
     	25 years or older. Exceptions to the age policy have been and will continue to be made on a case-by-case basis.

     - Access to a computer with BF2 & Project Reality (PR) installed 
     	  • BF2 1.50 patch downloaded and installed. BF2 Complete Collection installation guide PR v0.90 downloaded and installed.  PR installation guide

     - A microphone

     - Applications installed from official webpages - Explanation of Applications Xfire version 1.77 or higher
     	  •  TeamSpeak (TS) 2 version or higher

     - The keystone requirement is to have FUN!! 



    - BF2 Special Forces expansion pack 
     - A Headset (It is preferred over a stationary microphone)

     -  Advanced Tactical Center (ATC) version or higher

     -  Battlefield 2 Stats Viewer version 1.0 or higher
