If you do not receive a reply from =SWF= within 72 hours or you feel the automated application form above did not submit properly, copy the below format and send it through your standard e-mail application. Fill in the requested information to the right of the dashed lines.
Here is the e-mail address:
1. Actual Name -
2. BF2 Screen Name -
3. Xfire Username -
4. E-mail address -
5. Age -
6. Location -
7. Do you have: (Answer yes or no)
a. 1.50 patch installed? -
b. Project Reality installed? -
c. Microphone? -
d. Xfire installed? -
e. Teamspeak installed? -
8. Have you: (Answer yes or no)
a. Registered in our forum? -
b. Ever been active with another clan? -
8.b.(part 2) If you have never been in a clan, type "none". If you have been active with another clan, please specify the name of the clan/clans, game affiliation of the clan (BF2 and/or other), and your status with that clan (active or inactive).
9. Why do you want to join the =SWF= clan?
10. How long have you been playing BF2?
11. Tell us a bit about yourself.
12. How did you hear about this clan?
13. Which member, if any, referred you to the =SWF= organization?